Congratulations to Angelo Deleon from our HVAC-R II course for becoming EPA 608 Universal Certified! #SeizeOpportunity #culpepertec
10 months ago, Culpeper Technical Education Center
Angelo Deleon poses for photo after becoming EPA 608 Universal Certified
Congratulations to Edward Holmes for becoming our next HVAC-R student that is EPA 608 Universal Certified! #SeizeOpportunity #culpepertec
10 months ago, Culpeper Technical Education Center
Edward Holmes poses for a photo for becoming our next HVAC-R student that is EPA 608 Universal Certified
Congratulations to Dominick Beachboard for becoming our next HVAC-R student that is EPA 608 Universal Certified! #SeizeOpportunity #culpepertec
10 months ago, Culpeper Technical Education Center
CTEC HVAC-R Dominick Beachboard
Congratulations to our HVAC-R II students Hunter Cooke, Carter Bretschneider, Blake Burke, Chris Flood, Aiden Burke, Antonio Heredia, Trey Stanley, Roscoe Croushorn, Koby Jenkins, and Logan Allen on becoming EPA Universal Certified! Great job, guys! #SeizeOpportunity #culpepertec
10 months ago, Culpeper Technical Education Center
CTEC HVAC II students pose for group photo after becoming EPA 608 Certified
CTEC HVAC II students pose for group photo after becoming EPA 608 Certified
On Wednesday, 29 Culpeper County Public Schools students were celebrated for their commitment to enter to the workforce or serve in the military at the CCPS CTE signing day! Thank you to the parents and businesses for joining us yesterday to honor and celebrate these students and their remarkable achievements!
10 months ago, Culpeper Technical Education Center
Group photo of CTE Signing Day
Group photo of CTE Signing Day
Group photo of CTE Signing Day
Group photo of CTE Signing Day
Group photo of CTE Signing Day
Congratulations to Jodi Stone for being chosen as CTEC's Classified Employee of the Year! #SeizeOpportunity #culpepertec
10 months ago, Culpeper Technical Education Center
Jodi Stone, CTEC's Classified Employee of the Year
Today is CTE Signing Day! Watch live on the CTEC Facebook page or CCPS YouTube Channel. OR @CulpeperCounty PublicSchools on YouTube
10 months ago, Culpeper County Public Schools
Today is the Day CTE Signing Day Watch live
To give our staff and teachers a nice Friday treat, the amazing Yowell Elementary School baristas from Specially Brewed Coffee came to CTEC to serve our teachers and staff coffee, tea, and bagels! The drinks were fantastic, only to be topped by their smiling faces and the joy they brought to all of us during their visit! Afterwards, the baristas were given a very special tour of CTEC by our principal, Mr. Summerscales, where they got to see what our Trailblazers are working on in Cosmetology, checked out the automotive lab, got to sit in the EMT ambulance simulator, and finally they got to hear their heartbeat in our Medical Assistant lab!
10 months ago, Culpeper Technical Education Center
Specially Brewed Coffee students group photo
Specially Brewed Coffee student delivers coffee
Specially Brewed Coffee tour the automotive lab.
Specially Brewed Coffee students touring the ambulance simulator
Specially Brewed Coffee touring the medical assistant lab
Happy Administrative Assistant Appreciation Week to two of the best to do it; Jodi Stone and Patty Singleton. These incredible ladies are a huge reason why CTEC is such a an amazing place to be. Thank you both for all you do for our students and staff! #seizeopportunity #culpepertec
10 months ago, Culpeper Technical Education Center
Administrative assistants  Jodi Stone and Patty Singleton
Our DE Cosmetology I and II students competed at the SkillsUSA Leadership Conference in Va Beach last weekend. They competed in Total Look Fantasy. Fantasy Mannequin, Cosmetology, Nails and Esthetics. Glenda Pineda and Jasive Pineda placed 2nd in the state in the Esthetics Competition. Congratulations and a great job representing CTEC and CCPS! #SeizeOpportunity #culpepertec
11 months ago, Culpeper Technical Education Center
DE Cosmetology I and II students group photo
Glenda Pineda and Jasive Pineda placed 2nd in the state in the Esthetics Competition.
We're excited and proud to announce that our Medical Assistant class recently took the Certified Clinical Medical Assistant exam, and we have our first group of Certified Medical Assistants! This is the first year for our Medical Assistant course, and we couldn't be more proud of our students and instructor, Ms. Barlow, for their accomplishments and dedication this year!
11 months ago, Culpeper Technical Education Center
Medical assistant students pose for group photo
Medical assistant students pose for group photo
Today was our Skills Showcase, an event in which our students demonstrated their knowledge, skills, and professionalism to local businesses. Students also had resumes available for employers to review while they observed our students in action. Thank you to all of the businesses that came out today, and thank you to our instructors and students for the excellent work they do every day! #SeizeOpportunity #culpepertec
11 months ago, Culpeper Technical Education Center
CTEC Skills Showcase
CTEC Skills Showcase
CTEC Skills Showcase
CTEC Skills Showcase
CTEC Skills Showcase
CTEC Skills Showcase
CTEC Skills Showcase
CTEC Skills Showcase
Along with the accomplishments of our CTEC Trailblazers at the Virginia FCCLA Conference, CTEC's very own Chef Jay Cohen was awarded the Master Adviser Award for his continued dedication to the students and FCCLA! The Master Adviser Award recognizes advisers who have been successful in advising an affiliated chapter for a minimum of three years, promoting the organization, operating an integrated chapter with a balanced program of work, facilitating youth-centered activities, and keeping abreast of new happenings within the organization. #SeizeOpportunity #culpepertec
11 months ago, Culpeper Technical Education Center
Chef Jay Cohen with his FCCLA Master Adviser Award
Chef Jay Cohen receiving the Master Adviser Award
Congratulations to CTEC Culinary Arts students Jheneya Cotton and Madison Anderson for their fantastic efforts in the Culinary Arts Exhibit: Show Pieces competition at the Virginia FCCLA conference held last week in Virginia Beach! Marking their first-ever competition entry, Madison was awarded a silver medal for her efforts, and Jheneya not only secured a gold medal and placed second overall, but she also secured a $6000 scholarship to Sullivan University! #SeizeOpportunity #culpepertec
11 months ago, Culpeper Technical Education Center
CTEC at FCCLA competition
CTEC at FCCLA competition
CTEC at FCCLA competition
CTEC at FCCLA competition
CTEC at FCCLA competition
CTEC at FCCLA competition
Our Electrical I and II students were given a tour of a new home construction project in town yesterday by Lights by Knight Electric where they are responsible for installing all of the electrical. The students were given a tour of the project by owner Kyle Knight and his staff member Chuck Burke, who discussed the various stages of the electrical portion of the project. These stages included connecting each apartment unit to the main power connection and performing electrical work in a framed unit, as well as determining where electrical connections need to be pulled at on a foundation before the framing is installed for a unit that will not have a basement or crawl space. We are really grateful to Lights by Knight for their outstanding support of the students in our Electrical program at CTEC! #siezeopportunity #culpepertec
11 months ago, Culpeper Technical Education Center
CTEC Electrical students
CTEC Electrical student
CTEC Electrical students
CTEC Electrical students
CTEC Electrical students
CTEC Electrical students
Culpeper County Public Schools and offices will be closed Monday, April 1 through Friday, April 5, 2024 for Spring Break.
11 months ago, Culpeper County Public Schools
Culpeper County Public Schools and Offices closed for spring break April 1 - 5 2024
Our EMT class had a special guest fly in to CTEC today: PHI Air Medical Culpeper - AirCare 6! Students observed the landing, learned about the decisions and requirements needed for a landing zone at an active scene, spoke with the flight crew about the education and experience needed to become a member of a medical flight crew, and the crew gave a tour of the various medical equipment on board the Bell 407 helicopter. Students also took advantage of the opportunity to get inside AirCare 6 to see what it's like inside the helicopter. Thank you to the AirCare 6 team for the amazing opportunity for our students!
11 months ago, Culpeper Technical Education Center
EMT students and AirCare 6
EMT students and AirCare 6
EMT students and AirCare 6
EMT students and AirCare 6
Our HVACR students visited Appleton Campbell last week to see their facilities, talk with industry professionals about what makes a successful HVAC technician, and demonstrate their sheet metal cutting abilities. Milwaukee Tool raffle prizes went to three students, and one student won a Veto Pro Pac tool pouch. Appleton Campbell, we appreciate you having us!
11 months ago, Culpeper Technical Education Center
HVAC students visit Appleton Campbell
HVAC students pose for a group photo
HVAC students visit Appleton Campbell
HVAC students visit Appleton Campbell
HVAC students visit Appleton Campbell
🌞🌑 Solar Eclipse Alert! 🌑🌞 April 8, 2024 - Culpeper, VA. Start: ~2:02 PM, End: ~4:32 PM. Remember: Looking directly at the sun can damage your eyes! Keep your family safe - use proper eye protection.
12 months ago, Culpeper County Public Schools
solar eclipse Monday April 8 2024 Culpeper, VA approximately 2:02pom to 4:32pm Protect Your Eyes There is NO TIME when it is safe to look directly at the Sun without using a solar filter that complies with the transmittance requirements of the ISO 12312-2 international standard.
Last Call! Out of zone renewal period ends March 31. If your child is currently on a zone waiver, a renewal application must be submitted prior to March 31. Applications are found on our website If you child will be changing schools (ie. rising 6th or 9th grade), you will complete an initial application, which will be available on April 8, 2024.
12 months ago, Culpeper County Public Schools
out of zone renewal period January 15 to March 31; go to the student services page at to find the application, menu, departments, student servces